Trying Kourtney Kardashian's Diet | keto & plant based meals


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Trying Kourtney Kardashian’s diet for a day was interesting to say the least… this what I eat in a day vlog is full of healthy, keto & plant based meals, as well as magical moments in my life since I moved to Hawaii last month.

I’ve eaten like Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner before for other videos, so I was super excited to eat like Kourtney today! She has a mostly keto and plant based diet and it was so fun to try her nourishing and healthy meals. Wish I could do some of her workouts but I’m still dealing with the pinched nerve in my shoulder blade 🙁

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Check out my channel for more eating like celebrities videos, what I eat in a week, vegan recipes, surf vlogs, chill day in the life vlogs, morning routines and more 🙂


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